Thursday, March 13, 2008

Breaking News Story Sources This Week

The Institute for Public Accuracy puts out bulletins for journalists looking for national sources for stories. I want to post them here for the delectation of my community radio comrades. Don't go calling these folks willy-nilly -- check in with your news directors and set up a story idea, then set up an appointment.

Now get out there and file a story!

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * *

PM Thursday, March 13, 2008

Five Years Later -- Oil Contracts: Success of War?

Interviews Available

President Bush has repeatedly called for the passage of the
proposed Iraqi oil law. Lando is energy editor for UPI. He has recently launched
the web page .

ANTONIA JUHASZ,, Juhasz is the author of the book "The Bush Agenda: Invading the
World, One Economy at a Time" and is with the group Oil Change International.
She said today: "Five years after the invasion, the very same oil companies
that owned and controlled Iraq's oil from the end of World War I until
nationalization in the early 1970s -- Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP, Shell
and Total -- are now poised to make their grand return. Each has signed
technical service contracts with the Iraqi government for work on five
of Iraq's largest oil fields. These contracts offer a mere foot in the
door, however, as both the companies and the Bush administration pressure the

Iraqis to pass the Iraq oil law and give the companies the Big Prize:
renewed ownership and control of Iraq's oil. Oil was the reason for
this war five years ago, it is the reason why we remain entrenched in this
war today."
On Friday, Juhasz will be testifying at the "Corporate Pillaging
and Military Contractors" civilian panel at Winter Soldier with journalist
Jeremy Scahill. Juhasz wrote the oped "Whose Oil Is It, Anyway?" which
appeared in the New York Times. Her forthcoming book is titled "The
Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry and What We Must Do to Stop
Oil Change International will be one of the groups participating in protests on the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the invasion of Iraq on March 19 in Washington. They will lead protests at the American
Petroleum Institute in Washington. See:
and .

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