Friday, February 29, 2008

Yes, Actual People Can Make a Difference

This came off the "Citizen Journalism" news ticker today. Naomi Klein is a juicy writer and analyst who appears on Democracy Now!, Alternative Radio and KBOO news and public affairs. Her newest book is "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism."

The Courier International
website links to an interview with French. Bon chance avec ca!

Naomi Klein supports citizen journalism
Interviewed by Jade Lindgaard, the journalist and altermondialist militant Naomi Klein explains that blogs are complementary to investigative journalism. "Blogs have become real alternative journalism, places where scandals can be denounced. To a certain extent they play the same role as the radio does, by repeating and sometimes hammering home information that comes from investigative journalism in the written press. ... . Stories protect you from the shock, soften impact. There is a certain way of telling a story, not just scattering facts. It is the loss of the story, of the collective story, that puts you in a state of shock. This is what makes blogs so exciting: they put information by definition anti-narrative, into context. What citizen journalism manages so well is to take facts and turn them into stories."

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